General FindingsExcellStern Metals

General Findings

The industries most comprehenive product offering of beads and findings.


Quality pendant chain with classic styling to compliment any design.

Stern Metals

The prime source for alloy development, raw materials in various forms.

Beads & Findings Portfolio

General Findings is a prime source for precious metals beads and jewelry findings.

Chain Portfolio

Excell is a comprehensive selection of classically styled pendant chain offering the precious metals fabricators industry an extensive assortment of jewelry chains available spooled, cut to length, or assembled.

Precious Metal Forms

Through our Stern Metals brand, we offer precious metals fabrication in the form of sheet, wire, tubing, ring blanks and casting grain in a vast selection of silver and gold alloys. Manufactured to the highest quality standards.

Precious Metals Buying Guide

To assist you in your precious metals buying decision we have assembled a variety of information for your reference.


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